Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Ok Ladies! The only other Gentlemans Magazine You'll Ever Need to Read!

I'm speechless, actually.

Somehow I ended up @ the Hall of the Black Dragon.com

I responded to the post "Solutions for The Single Black Female," and the response to my response, hooked me up. Filled me up. Pleased me. Squeezed me.



Click Here to read my comment

And here is the reply to my comment:

Hi Mom in Apt 10b (love your blog btw) I grew up with a beautiful single mother, so I saw my fair share of sorry-ass men. Actually out of the number that came in and out of our lives I recall one outstanding guy, he was exciting, had her dancing on air but he had a drug habit. The point you make on vices is not a light one, and for all the good points that we have, many men do fall back on vices and it is a wicked thing. Alcohol, drugs, sex, video games, you name it there is always something. That being said you are in pursuit of a truly "different" individual, it leads back to what I said about our typical dives and digs. THAT guy that will win you over for all you are worth, is probably in the least likely place looking for someone like you. Good guys are normally driven, the passion is their vice so they will hang out at places that aren't exactly leisurely to an outsider, but to them it's heaven. Many good guys are home bodies when they aren't actively travelling and Jet Setting. Many cultured guys do their first loves solo, so it would be up to you to keep your eye open for him when you cross paths in an activity that isn't the Black Ski Summit. So if you are running into too many losers with vices, and your wish is for a man of culture and exploration, you will need to do your research on where a man like this frequents. Many times he isn't in your neighborhood, city or stomping grounds. Just remember that we are in the information age and an accomplished single man will be able to get to you without much hassle. Last but not least, we did not get that "minority" tag on accident, I know I am preaching to the choir when I say that for outside of a select few cities black people are a rarity. If I had tried to find my current girlfriend in my town I would have been better off trying to find the holy grail. It is that bad, and many of us forget that it is that bad. So exploring other venues even outside of your local area in order to find Mr. Right is almost a necessity.

You can see more information for the comment on this post here:

Now go hang out @ The Black Dragon's Blog


MOMSWEB said...

Looooved reading your comment and the response.
My only thought while reading is that the good men are usually right beneath the surface that isn't appealing or attractive to a woman.
Remember the movie, "Daddy's Little Girls"? I remember the comments her girlfriends made about him and how they thought she was above him because of her status.

I had to kiss my frog to find out he was a prince. Yuck! But now...Wow! He isn't perfect, but I sure am glad he's mine.

MOMSWEB said...

Your 'click here to read my comment' link isn't working.

Unknown said...

Wow, thank you very much for showing us so much love, this is such an honor. You've inspired me to start a Blogroll so that my readers can see your latest and greatest. Please keep it up and thanks again.

@MOMSWEB - You know its funny, whenever people say to take a chance on the uncool, or "broke but ambitious" guys it turns into a debate about settling and reaching way below your standards. Many of those guys may hit it big later or get fueled off of your support to break out of his nerd shell and become like you say a prince. Good to hear you gave one of them a chance.